Today, I've decided to embark on a new project that will most likely take me quite some time. But my hope, in the end, is to reach the level of quality and style that I am looking for in my artwork. I recently acquired a book called "The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures" which contains 543 pages of described magical creatures from throughout history. I plan on starting from the beginning, doing one or two monsters a day, until I reach the end of the book. And hopefully, by that time, my paintings will be on a whole new level as I learn more and more about my talent and hone it to serve me in the way that I am seeking. In between these exercise paintings, I plan on doing studies with traditional media to improve my knowledge and my brains muscle memory for anatomy, lighting, color, and values. I hope, to one day, get a job, creating concept art for either the movie industry or gaming industry. I just have to keep a positive outlook on it, and keep my motivation going. I will be posting results here, but most of my activity will be able to be seen on via my online Sketchbook here:
My SketchBook